It has been an incredibly busy holiday. I have been really behind with writing while preparing for the big move to New York. To tell you the truth, I have been drowning myself in work, completely uninspired. But I have a helluva vacation lined up and I cannot wait to go to the Philippines and Hong Kong. Also, I might try and score a new camera on Black Friday so I can easily take more daily photos. Lugging around an SLR is neither easy nor practical. Other objectives for boxing day include a new flatscreen, a Playstation 3, and some Blu-Rays. The fact that there are no clothes, bags, or jewelry in that line up is telling. Either I am in a creative slump, or I am saving for my trip/move. Perhaps it's both. But the holidays are here, and I have much to appreciate: I have the best family and friends anyone could ask for!! This is my favorite time of the year. I hope you all get to spend time with your loved ones :)
- jerome