June 9, 2012

Warriors of Rhythm

This basketball jersey was made by my cousins in the 1990's for their DJ crew because we are hella Filipino. It doesn't breathe very well, but I love it. My brother was the original owner, but I stole it when he went to college. Our last name is on the jersey too, and you know I love some personalization on EVERYTHING.

I have no idea how to dress for the weather here in New York. It is just as unpredictable as San Francisco but a little more extreme. Furthermore, I'm still in the process of organizing my apartment and figuring out a place to photograph my outfits (photobooth for now). It has been a long time since I have blogged regularly, and lately I've been a little fatigued physically/emotionally and it's left me paralyzed/uninspired. New York has introduced me to a lot of new people, places, and things - just the thing to lift my spirits. Can't wait to share more, thanks for sticking around.

Follow me on intagram! jeromepourhomme, of course.

- jerome

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